Measurement Terminology MCQs with Answers

Measurement Terminology MCQs with answers: Following Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are based on “Measurement Terminology”. It is related to subject Instrumentation, Industrial Measurement and Applications. 

Topics: Basic terms related with instrumentation systems; Static and Dynamic characteristics in measurement such as accuracy, precision, repeatability, span, resolution, stability and frequency response etc. 

This topic is mostly beneficial in the field of Instrumentation, Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

These MCQs will be useful in various competitive examinations, entrance examinations, oral examination (Viva voce), certifications and interviews.

MCQ on Measurement Terminology

Que.1  The study of relationship between the input and output, then the input is invariant with respect to time is called as,
  1. Static Characteristic of an instrument
  2. Dynamic Characteristic of an Instrument
  3. Variable Characteristics of an Instrument
  4. None of the above

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Option 1: Static Characteristic of an instrument

Que.2 The desirable Static characteristic of a measuring system are
  1. Accuracy & Reproducibility
  2. Accuracy, Sensitivity & Reproducibility
  3. Drift & Dead zone
  4. Static Error

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Option 2: Accuracy, Sensitivity & Reproducibility

Que.3 The ability to give same output every time when same input value is applied is known as
  1. Stability
  2. Accuracy
  3. Repeatability
  4. Sensitivity

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Option 3: Repeatability

Explanation: Repeatability (or test–retest reliability) is often used to describe the variation in successive measurements of the same variable taken under the same conditions (e.g., same observer, location, instrument, and procedure) in a short period of time.

Que.4 Change in output of device with change in input of sensor is called
  1. Threshold
  2. Sensitivity
  3. repeatability
  4. accuracy

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Option 3: Sensitivity

It is the ratio of change in output (or response) of the instrument to change in input or measured variable
A higher sensitivity indicates that the system can respond to even the smallest input

Que.5 Smallest change which a measuring device can detect is ______.
  1. Resolution
  2. Precision
  3. Accuracy
  4. Scale

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Option 1: Resolution

Que.6 Degree of closeness of measured value to true value is known as
  1. Accuracy
  2. Correction
  3. Precision
  4. Uncertainty

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Option 1: Accuracy

Que.7 _____ is the term used to express the ability of a measuring system to maintain its standard performance.
  1. accuracy
  2. Sensitivity
  3. Stability
  4. Linearity

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Option 3: Stability

Que.8 Precision is the _____.
  1. Degree of exactness
  2. Ability to response
  3. Closeness of an agreement
  4. True value of measured variable

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Option 2: Degree of exactness

Precision is the measure of consistency or repeatability of measurements i.e. successive readings in an instrument should not differ.

Que.9 Error of measurement is the difference between
  1. True value & measured Value
  2. Precision & True value
  3. Measured Value & Precision
  4. None of the above

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Option 1: True value & measured Valuee

Que.10 The ability by which a measuring device can detect small differences in the quantity being measured by it, is called its
  1. Damping
  2. Accuracy
  3. Sensitivity
  4. none of the above

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Option 3: Sensitivity

Que.11 The region in which the output doesn’t change with increase in input is called ____.
  1. Input Range
  2. Offset
  3. Threshold
  4. Saturation

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Option 4: Saturation

Que.12 The ratio of maximum displacement deviation to full scale deviation of the instrument is called
  1. Static sensitivity
  2. Linearity
  3. Dynamic Deviation
  4. Precision or Accuracy

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Opption 2: Linearity

Que.13 The range between a maximum and a minimum value is applied to a parameter which can be measured is
  1. Repeatability
  2. Input Range
  3. Span
  4. Output Range

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Opption 3: Span

Que.14 ______ is an absolute quantity, the smallest absolute amount of change that can be detected by a measurement.
  1. Threshold
  2. Span
  3. Sensitivity
  4. Precision

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Opption 3: Sensitivity

Que.15  Which of the following is not a static property?
  1. Repeatability
  2. Frequency response
  3. Hysteresis
  4. Saturation

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Opption 2: Frequency response

Que.16  Which of the following is not a dynamic Characteristic?
  1. Frequency Response
  2. Settling Time
  3. Saturation
  4. Response time

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Opption 3: Saturation

Que.17 The accuracy of measuring instrument _____ at high frequency.
  1. Decreases
  2. increases
  3. Becomes zero
  4. does not change

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Opption 1: Decreases

Que.18 Which of the following is a dynamic characteristic of measuring instruments?
  1. Precision
  2. resolution
  3. Fidelity
  4. Drift

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Opption 3: Fidelity

Que.19 ______ is the undesirable Characteristics of a measuring system.
  1. Drift
  2. Non-Linearity
  3. Dead zone
  4. All of the above

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Opption 4: All of the above

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