
Click on the link for the Instrumentation notes it includes mainly two units as (1)Transducers and Sensors and (2)Industrial measurements. Some more topics will be covered soon or later. You can also demand as per need.


    1. Sensors and Transducers

        1. Terminology
        2. Difference between Sensors and Transducers
  1. Transducer and Its Classification

        1. Mechanical Transducers
        2. Electrical Transducers
        3. Active Transducers and Passive Transducers
        4. Primary and Secondary Transducers
        5. Analog and Digital Transducers
        6. Transducers and Inverse Transducers
        7. On The Basis of Transduction Principle Used
  1. Selection Criteria of Transducer

        1. Selection Criteria of a Transducer
        2. Basic Requirements of a Transducer
  1. LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer

        1. Why it is called LVDT?
        2. Construction of LVDT
        3. Working Principle of LVDT
        4. Working of LVDT
        5. Types of LVDT
        6. Advantages of LVDT
        7. Disadvantages of LVDT
        8. Applications of LVDT
  1. Strain Gauge

        1. What is Strain?
        2. Strain Gauge
        3. Strain Gauge Installation
        4. Measuring Circuit
        5. Advantages of Strain Gauge
        6. Disadvantages of Strain Gauge
        7. Applications of Strain Gauge
  1. Piezoelectric Transducer

        1. Construction
        2. Working Principle
        3. Piezoelectric Actuator
        4. Application of Piezoelectric Materials
        5. Examples of Piezoelectric Materials
        6. Advantages of Piezoelectric Transducers
        7. Disadvantages of Piezoelectric Transducers
  1. Hall Effect Transducer

        1. Working Principle
        2. Working
        3. Advantages of Hall Effect Transducers
        4. Disadvantages of Hall Effect Transducers
        5. Applications of Hall Effect Transducers
  1. Resistance Temperature Detectors or Resistance thermometer

        1. Thermoresistive Effect
        2. Construction of RTD
        3. Working of RTD
        4. Materials Used in RTD
  1. Thermistors

        1. Construction of Thermistor
        2. Some parameters
        3. Thermistor Properties
        4. Advantages of Thermistor
        5. Disadvantages of Thermistors
        6. Applications of Thermistor
  1. Thermocouple

        1. Working Principle of Thermocouple
        2. Joining Two Disimilar Metals
        3. Construction and Working
        4. Errors occurring During the Measurement using Thermocouple
        5. Types of Thermocouple
  1. Photoelectric Transducers

        1. Photoemissive Transducers
        2. Photoconductive Cell
        3. Photovoltaic transducer or Photocell
  1. Light Sensors or Photosensors

        1. Photodiode
        2. Phototransistor
        3. Difference Between Photodiode and Phototransistor
        4. Photo-FET
        5. Photocell
  1. Signal Conditioning

        1. Need of Signal Conditioning
        2. Types of Signal Conditioning
  1. Electrical Telemetry | Telemetry System

        1. Telemetry
        2. Types of Telemetry Systems
        3. Why is Telemetry Required?
        4. Electrical Telemetry System
  1. Measurement of vibration

        1. What is Vibration?
        2. Types of Vibration
        3. Possible Causes of Machine Vibration
        4. Effect of Vibration
        5. Why Measurement of Vibration is Necessary?
        6. How to Measure Vibration?
        7. Vibration Transducer Types
  1. Electrical Telemetric System

        1. Voltage Telemetry System
        2. Current Telemetry System
  2. Thickness measurement

        1. Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement (UTM)
        2. Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT)
  1. Humidity measurement

        1. What is Humidity?
        2. Types of Humidity
        3. Humidity Measurement
        4. Sling Psychrometer
  1. Thermal conductivity

        1. What is Thermal Conductivity?
        2. Steady State Techniques
        3. Transient Methods
  1. Industrial computerized tomography

        1. Computed Tomography
        2. Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT)
        3. Why Computed Tomography is Necessary in Industry?
        4. Types of Scanners
        5. Analysis and Inspection Techniques
        6. Advantages of ICT
        7. Disadvantages of ICT
        8. Applications of ICT
  1. Smoke and fire detection

        1. Which heat detector is better?
        2. Advantages of Heat Detectors
        3. Drawbacks of Heat Detectors
        4. Where to Install Heat Detectors?
        5. Smoke Detectors
  1. Level measurement
  2. Burglar alarm
  3. Object counter
  4. Sound level meter
  5. Tachometer
  6. VAW meter
  7. Recorder X- Y plotters and its applications
        1. Introduction to Recorders
        2. X-Y Recorder or X-Y Plotter
Different forms of construction of thermistors


Thermistors (construction of thermal resistor) are semiconductors which behave as resistors with a high negative temperature coefficient of resistance. Thermistor word derived from Thermal resistor. It became available in early 1960’s. They are based on oxides of semiconductors which has high temperature coefficients (mostly NTC) and have high resistance. Construction of Thermistor Thermistors are composed

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Instrumentation, Sensors and transducers, Industrial measurement,

Sensors and Transducers

Sensors and transducers are crucial in instrumenting an engineering system. Sensors may be used in an engineering system for a variety of purposes. A measuring device passes through two main stages while measuring a signal. First, the measurand is felt or sensed by the sensing element. Then, the sensed signal is transduced (or converted) into

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Construction of thermocouple,


When two metals having different work functions are placed together, a voltage is generated at the junction which is nearly proportional to the temperature. This junction is called a thermocouple. Working Principle of Thermocouple Thomas Seebeck discovered in 1821 that when two dissimilar metals were in contact, a voltage was generated where the voltage was

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Resistance thermometer, resistance temperature detector, RTD, Resistance temperature detectors,

Resistance Temperature Detectors or Resistance thermometer

Resistance temperature detectors, or resistance thermometers, employ a sensitive element of extremely pure platinum, copper or nickel wire that provides a definite resistance value at each temperature within its range. Thermoresistive Effect The relationship between temperature and resistance of conductors in the temperature range near 0°C can be calculated from the equation where Rt =

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construction or structure of photoconductive transducer, Light dependent resistor, Photoelectric transducers,

Photoelectric Transducers

The various photoelectric transducers that convert light energy into electrical energy are Photoemissive transducer, Photovoltaic transducer, Photoconductive transducer. Photoemissive Transducers The properties of a photoemissive cell or phototube are used in photoelectric transducers. The vacuum photoelectric cell consists of a curved sheet of thin metal with its concave surface coated with a photoemissive material, which

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working of Hall effect transducer, hall effect sensor,

Hall Effect Transducer

The Hall effect element is a type of transducer used for measuring the magnetic field by converting it into an emf. The direct measurement of the magnetic field is not possible. Thus, the Hall Effect Transducer is used for indirect measurement of magnetic field. The transducer converts the magnetic field into an electric quantity which is easily measured by the analog and digital meters is called hall effect transducer. Working Principle The working principle of Hall Effect Transducer

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LVDT construction, Linear variable differential transformer

LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer

Full form of LVDT is Linear Variable Differential Transformer. Its working principle is same as Transformer (i.e. Mutual Induction Principle) and also the output across its secondary coil is in the form of differential voltage, that’s why it is named as Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT). Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is an electromechanical type inductive transducer that

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