Microcontroller 8051

  1. Features of 8051 Microcontroller 
  2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller 
  3. Functions of Timing and Control Unit of 8051 
  4. Pin Configuration of 8051 Microcontroller 
  5. Port Structure of 8051 Microcontroller 
  6. Functions of Ports in 8051 Microcontroller 
  7. Memory Organization of 8051 Microcontroller 
  8. Registers in 8051 Microcontroller 
  9. PSW Register in 8051 Microcontroller | Program Status Word 
  10. The Stack and Stack Pointer in 8051 Microcontroller 
  11. Stack Pointer Data Pointer and Program Counter in 8051 Microcontroller 
  12. Addressing Modes in 8051 Microcontroller 
  13. Instruction Set in 8051 Microcontroller 
  14. Boolean Processor in 8051 Microcontroller 
  15. Assembler Directives in 8051 Microcontroller 
  16. Power Saving Mode in 8051 | 8051 Power Down and Idle Mode 
  17. Program Development Steps in ALP
  18. Reset Circuit of 8051 Microcontroller 
  19. Unveiling the Power of Assembly Language Programs for 8051 Microcontroller
  20. Software Development Cycle for Microcontrollers
  21. Software Development Tools in Embedded System
  22. Addition of Two 8-Bit Numbers in 8051 Microcontroller
  23. Addition of Two 8 Bit Numbers with Carry in 8051 Microcontroller
  24. 8051 Program for Addition of Two 16 Bit Numbers
  25. 8051 Program for Subtraction of Two 8-Bit Numbers
  26. 8051 Program for Subtraction of Two 16 bit Numbers
  27. 8051 Program to Multiply two 8 Bit numbers
  28. 8051 Program to Divide two 8 Bit numbers
  29. 8051 Program to Find the Largest Number in An Array
  30. 8051 Program to Find the Smallest Number in An Array Stored in Internal Memory
  31. 8051 Program to Arrange Numbers in Ascending Order
  32. 8051 Program to Arrange Numbers in Descending Order
  33. 8051 Program to Find 2’s complement
  34. Program For 8051 Microcontroller to Unpack A Number
  35. Interrupts of 8051 Microcontroller
power saving mode in 8051 with diagram

Power Saving Mode in 8051 | 8051 Power Down and Idle Mode

Power Saving mode in 8051 microcontroller is used to save energy during idle time of processor and during power down time of processor. So, is important to make microcontroller as a power saving device. The 8051 uses current of approximately 25 mA during the normal operation. In power saving mode, the 8051 microcontroller reduces its

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Boolean Processor in 8051 Microcontroller

The 8051 microcontroller is widely used in various embedded systems applications due to its simplicity, ease of use, and versatility. One of the essential components of the 8051 microcontroller is its Boolean Processor, which plays a crucial role in performing logical and bitwise operations. The 8051 microcontroller supports bit addressable memory and bit manipulation instructions

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Functions of Timing and Control Unit of 8051

The 8051 microcontroller is a popular 8-bit microcontroller widely used in embedded systems. Its timing and control unit (TCU) is responsible for generating and controlling the timing signals required for the proper functioning of the microcontroller. Functions Here are the main functions of the 8051 timing and control unit: Clock Generation: The TCU generates the

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Stack Pointer Data Pointer and Program Counter in 8051 Microcontroller

Microcontroller 8051 has many registers mainly classified into General purpose and Special Function registers. SP, PC and DPTR are the special function registers used in 8051 microcontrollers which work as memory pointer. Let’s see the function of Stack Pointer Data Pointer and Program counter in 8051 Microcontroller one by one. The Stack Pointer (SP) in

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